Defeat the Defensive Mindset

What’s this about

Turbulence presents a high demand environment for leaders and teams, which means the essential first step in preparing for these conditions is to strengthen the adaptive mindset.

Why is it important?

Leaders who model adaptive mindset and behaviours have a clear advantage in turbulence because they build teams and cultures that respond positively to challenge and change. Instead of being overwhelmed by threats and difficulties, they see and go towards opportunities for achievement, development and partnering with others.

As you will learn in Chapter 4. of Toolkit for Turbulence:

‘An adaptive mindset suits turbulence; a defensive mindset is antagonistic towards it.’

How does it work?

Learning to develop and sustain an adaptive mindset is a lifelong learning journey, however the Mindset Training Canvas on Page 51 is your guide to stepping through the three phases of learning and adapting whenever defensiveness is triggered:

See. This means accepting that threats are inevitable but self protection isn’t. As you build your own toolkit for turbulence you will reflect on the threats you experience and how your defensive mindset shows up.

Squirm. Here we say, ‘Welcome to the squirm’, because threats to loss of certainty, status etc generate emotions, and it’s essential to understand and embrace these constructively and ride the emotions.

Seek. Here we use the phrase, ‘Go towards to the fire’ to remind you that an adaptive mindset is about acting and learning - and you’ll discover your superpowers here!

The Working Model

The Working Model Adaptive Mindset is intended as a quick reference guide to the characteristic ways of thinking and behaving with an adaptive mindset and a defensive mindset. Download and use it as a reminder and consider doing a deeper dive into this concept with psychological inventories that will help unpack your unique styles. Contact Martin or Graham for ideas on tools to use.

Brett Penno

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The Burnout Threshold