The Burnout Threshold

What’s this about?

The Burnout Threshold illustrates the typical pathway towards burnout and is positioned in Toolkit for Turbulence as part of the introduction to Chapter 9. Prioritise Self Care.

Why is it important?

While you are quite possibly not at the threshold it is important to take care of yourself and your own energy and wellbeing because that is the key to bringing an adaptive mindset to challenging conditions.

The consequences of ongoing fatigue not only affect workplace performance, they also create health and relationship risks, ranging from the potential for depression to damaged relationships and the physical effects of poor lifestyle habits.

The model and the stories in the book are a handy way to reflect on your personal relationship to burnout, and more specifically, whether you are at risk of traveling close to the ‘Burnout Threshold’

How does it work?

Consider your boundaries and your current position on the Burnout Threshold.

»       What insights does the Burnout Threshold create for you?

»       What changes in habits will help you to get a healthy balance between energy in and energy out?

»       What support will help you put these ideas into action?

Brett Penno

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