The Pathway

What’s this about?

The Pathway captures the essence of the approach taken by advantage leaders to turn adversity to advantage.

Why is it important?

Advantage leaders thrive in turbulence because they use disruption as a force multiplier to build the adaptive capabilities they and their team need to embrace uncertainty, thrive amidst challenges, and learn and adapt rapidly.

The Pathway approach is born from necessity and underpinned by the two concepts: anti-fragility and VUCA which are explained in Chapter 1. including a summary the characteristics and business risks of VUCA, and an activity to assess the extent of VUCA in your work environment.

How does it work?

The Pathway is a mental model and an attitude to take when facing turbulence.

Step 1. Use the model as a tool for self reflection using prompts from the book:

» Where are the creative opportunities in disruption?

» How can we use this disruption to grow and strengthen adaptive capabilities?

» What's needed to scale these capabilities to enhance versatility for the whole enterprise?

Step 2. Download a copy of the Pathway Model and use it to engage your team or colleagues in a discussion about the potential for using disruption as an opportunity to strengthen adaptive capabilities.

Brett Penno

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Team Canvas (Evaluation)


ADEP Model. Introduction