ADEP Model. Introduction
What is this about?
The ADEP Model describes the four essential elements in high performance: Achievement; Development; Enjoyment; Partnering. Use it as a framework for personal goals and for reimagining the performance conversations with your team.
Why is it important?
Fatigue and burnout are a major risk in turbulent times, so it makes sense to have a clear mental model and a framework to guide your own performance planning, and your conversations with your team.
How does it work?
This tool is intended as a way to personally familiarise with the ADEP elements before engaging with your team.
Step 1. Review the brief guide to each of the four ADEP elements in the download below.
Step 2. Complete the ADEP 90 Day Canvas to define your aims for the next 90 days.
Step 3. Keep the 90 day aims and plans in mind as you learn and apply the ADEP model in the primary tool Performance Partnering with each of the people you lead.
See Chapter 14. Be The Coach Your People Need for step by step instructions on Performance Partnering which can be a game changer for the way you lead your team.